Net Impact NEST
Attention Ghana and all Global Citizens!
Are you motivated and passionate about Social, Cultural, Economic, Humanitarian and Environmental Responsibility, Mission, Impact, Values Creation, Purpose, Support Systems, Compassion, Generosity, Benevolence, Goodwill and Sustainable Development?
If you've even the slightest interest in aligning your passions, career or profession and personal growth with responsibility, mission, impact, values creation, purpose and support systems. And to become a change maker or agent in your community, school, place of work or worship, wherever you may find yourself. Desire to cultivate and nurture strategic career or professional, personal, business, entrepreneurial, transformational leadership, diversity management, social, intercultural and interpersonal communications and relationships building competencies and learnigs, contacts, links, networks.
Then you cannot afford to miss this incredible social, cultural, economic, humanitarian and environmental responsibility, purpose, impact, values creation, support systems, mission, compassion, generosity, benevolence, goodwill and sustainable development driven grassroots movement, group or network.
We are strategically exploring, unlocking, leveraging, activating, mobilizing, utilizing and connecting the dots or missing pieces between bottom of the societal pyramid, local, community and grassroots particularly, youthful talents, expertise, competencies, experience, knowledge, energies, passions, resources, opportunities and solutions. To leverage, elevate, influence and/or stimulate sustainable living, lifestyles, livelihoods and development. Fundamental and radical attitudinal and mindsets change, and as well as addressing other pervasive, systemic and emerging challenges at all levels of society within Ghana and beyond.
The people, community centered and bird inspired Accra Innovative and Collaborative Development NEST (Neighborhoods Empowerment and Sustainable Transformation), Net Impact NEST, as a dynamic, proactive and professional team led chapter, strives to provide a formidable sanctuary, serving as the catalyst and ultimate hub for unearthing, honing and harnessing of local, community and grassroots knowledgeable, innovative, creative, ethical and conscientious leaders, change makers and agents.
We will endeavor to create an army of professionals imbibed with impeccable integrity and the rightful competencies and tools. In order to leverage and stimulate sustainable pro-poor, needy, vulnerable, deprived, underprivileged, marginalized and minority social, cultural, humanitarian, economic and community development. Wildlife, biodiversity, nature, ecological, natural resources, environmental, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats, marine and ecosystems, native and indigenous culture, arts, crafts, history and heritage preservation, conservation, protection, restoration, promotion and responsibility. Active, healthy and sustainable living, lifestyles and livelihoods.
Goals and Objectives
- To serve as a hub for supporting, strengthening, promotion and advocacy for sustainable, active and healthy living and lifestyles, diversity management, social and intercultural communication/relations competencies development, social, cultural, religious, ethnic and economic inclusion, acceptance, understanding, mutual respect and equality.
- We are absolutely passionate, committed and will strive to provide a formidable platform to galvanize the collective knowledge, competences, experience, innovative and creative energies of all like-minded individuals and/or groups motivated by responsibility, mission, impact, purpose, values creation and passion to influence fundamental and radical mind-sets and attitudinal change, active, healthy and sustainable living, lifestyles, livelihoods and development
- Our chapter also seeks to create the leverage for the cultivation of strategic national, international, regional, community, social, cultural, personal, interpersonal, career or professional, educational, entrepreneurial and business contacts, links, networks and learnings. The ultimate aim of this particularly, is to serve as a catalyst for unearthing, nestling, honing and festering knowledgeable, innovative, creative, ethical and conscientious individuals, people, communities, society, leaders motivated by responsibility, mission, impact, purpose, values creation and selflessness. And especially, our members to become more robust, resilient, resourceful, self-reliant, relevant, beneficial, useful and thriving in all spheres of life and/or human endeavors
- To strategically explore, unlock, leverage, activate, mobilize, utilize and connect the dots or missing pieces between the bottom of the societal pyramid, local, community and grassroots particularly, youthful talents, expertise, competencies, experience, knowledge, energies, passions, resources, opportunities and solutions. To leverage, elevate, influence and/or stimulate sustainable development, fundamental and radical attitudinal and mindsets change, and as well as addressing other pervasive, systemic and emerging challenges at all levels of society within Ghana and beyond

Membership Registration is in Progress and Ongoing!
Register to join the Accra Innovative and Collaborative Development NEST (Net Impact NEST) chapter right NOW for a Unique Opportunity to Impact People, Communities, Society and Humanity!
+233 264 475 836
+233 547 766 961
+233 556 500 680
+1 301 675 1358
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