• Chocolate Passions Trail

    Exclusive moments for chocolate lovers to experience exquisite taste of organic chocolate and farm gate activities of its production and service value chain
  • Native and Indigenous Culture Exploits

    Flamboyant traditional dance of the Ashanti Kingdom performed with intricate moves and intriguing gestures worth indulging
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Magical co-existence at unique communities where mona monkeys, residents and tourists enjoy excellent peaceful cohabitation
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, Swim, Surf and Sports Deep Dive

    Pristine tucked-away coastlines, lake and river fronts for uniquely impact oriented, deeply satisfying and fun filled beach, sunbathing, meditation, stress relieving, nerves calming and rejuvenating vacation in Ghana where beach meet beats
  • History Panorama

    Spiritual riverside where African Slaves en-route to long domestic and industrial servitude in the New Found World (America) and elsewhere had their last bath and touch of African waters
  • Precious Minerals Observatory

    Once-in-a-lifetime invitation to satisfy your curiosity as to why Ghana was once named Gold Coast with a visit to this beautiful land where Gold & other precious minerals can be found even at the least expected places
  • Country Side: Ultimate Escapes

    Pleasurable footsteps in the sky and on top of trees at the world’s longest rain forest canopy walkway
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Explore diverse majestic & amazing wildlife species within several national wildlife and natural resources conservation parks
  • Native and Indigenous Culture Exploits

    Explore, experience and get hands-on with incredible indigenous lifestyles of communication and entertainment offered through majestic drum beats
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, Swim, Surf and Sports Deep Dive

    Captivating canoe excursions that takes world heritage followers and enthusiasts to the quintessential village on stilt and other stash away pristine wetlands, fresh water lagoons and tropical swamp forest sites
  • History Panorama

    At the center of Ghana's capital city, Accra in memory of Dr Kwame Nkrumah (the African personality of the millennium) Ghana's first president
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Astounding experience of Ghana’s internationally acclaimed extreme friendship, courtesy and hospitality even from the wild
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, Swim, Surf and Sports Deep Dive

    Astonishing cruise to the mystical Dodi Island brings you up close and personal with the wonders of/and across Lake Volta (world's largest man made Lake by surface area)
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Upon arrival in Ghana, the first sound you will hear is laughter which makes you feel very welcomed, if you loved it, another opportunity await you to experience colorful and diverse bird species chirping fascinating sounds whilst bird-watching in several tropical rain forests

General Terms and Conditions


Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) facilitates the purchase by prospective customers of tourism, travel and hospitality related experiences and products including Eco and adventure tours, accommodations, transportation, entertainment, cultural, leisure, recreation, health, sports tourism, travel and hospitality packages which travel related services are provided by Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) and other service providers independent from and having no connection to Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd).

In accessing the services of Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) to book, reserve and pay for any tourism, travel and hospitality related experiences, products and other services provided by Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd), you, the customer, agree to be bounded by these terms and conditions which describe the general terms and conditions by which Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will agree to provide its services to customers.




A deposit for booking constitutes customer’s acceptance of these terms and conditions.


Booking or Reservation Commitment Fees

Reservations and Bookings require a minimum US Four Hundred Dollars (USD$400.00) per-person deposit to hold reservations/bookings. Deposits are Non-Refundable. Once your online booking or reservation form and deposit are received, Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will issue you a confirmation invoice at which point a legally binding contract is entered into between us. Please certify that all information contained in the confirmation invoice is complete and accurate, particularly the spelling of names. 

Should there be any discrepancy, kindly notify Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) immediately in writing. Whoever undertakes the booking or reservation takes full responsibility for these terms and conditions of contract in an instance of group booking or reservation. Upon confirmation, Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will also forward to you, a comprehensive trip itinerary including any other information that may be deemed helpful.


Means of Commitment Fee Payment

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd), request for all mandatory deposits to be paid through Direct Bank Deposit, Western Union, MoneyGram or Mobile Money transfer for which our payment details have been provided below.

Customers are solely responsible for all bank and/or transfer charges.

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) is unable to accept credit card payment currently due to past unfavorable experiences and other critical administrative challenges. Team Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) sincerely apologizes for any inconveniences this may cause.


Account Name: Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd

Account Number: 110 205 681 6001

Bank Name: National Investment Bank (NIB)

Branch: Headquarters, Accra

Swift Code: NIBGGHAC


 Mobile Money Transfer

Name: Michael Wonder Adzigbey

Number: +233 244 475 836

City: Accra

Country: Ghana

Network: MTN



Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) quotes prices in US dollars (USD$) based on the exchange rates for the respective foreign currency, as of the date of the quote. Exchange rates fluctuate. Customer’s exchange rate is only fixed when full payment is made, unless otherwise noted on customer’s itinerary. Any price that Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) quotes is subject to change without notice until full payment is made. All prices are ‘from’ and seasonal surcharges and currency fluctuations apply.

Customer’s travel booking or reservation does not include flights to Ghana. It is every customer’s responsibility to make flights arrangements to Ghana. Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) reserves the rights to vary the package prices and to impose surcharges as required up to 30 days prior to the departure or arrival date as a result of adverse effects including but not limited to exchange rate fluctuations or due to government action. 

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will absorb fluctuations in exchange rates up to a maximum of up to one percent (1%) of the package cost, excluding insurance costs. Where the increase in price is greater than one percent (1%) of the total package cost, customers will be responsible for any additional package costs. Where any surcharge increases the cost of a package by ten percent (10%) or more, customers can cancel the booking within fourteen (14) days of notification of the increase and obtain a full refund on the package, excluding any amendment charges.


Change of Booking or Reservation

Changes to booking or reservation or travel itinerary will be accepted if Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) is notified in writing within at least sixty (60) days prior to date of departure or arrival. Notification is recognized to have occurred on the date of receipt by Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd).

Once a deposit has been received, a US Fifty Dollars (USD$50) per booking change fee will apply. Any additional costs arising out of the change will be charged to you. Other fees are at the discretion of the hotels, tour operators, travel agencies, car rental agencies and other service providers.

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) reserves the rights to make any reasonable adjustments or changes to any of the facilities, services or prices described on the organization’s web page or in any other promotional materials before a booking or reservation are effected. Any such adjustment will be dully notified to you before a booking is confirmed. At all cost and under any circumstances, Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will strive to provide all tour packages as per advertised. 

However, the company reserves the rights to make reasonable changes to the package if deemed necessary, appropriate and or advisable by management. Minor adjustment such as varied departure or arrival times, duration of flights, or adjusted itineraries up to ten percent (10%) of the entirety of the tour package will be communicate to you as soon as reasonably possible before the departure or arrival date. Minor changes are unacceptable as conditions for cancellation.

In the event of major changes which implies any adjustment affecting up to twenty percent (20%) or more of the entirety of the package, then Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will dully communicate this to the customer in writing of an options of either accepting the adjusted arrangements, choosing another available package or receiving a full refund. Upon such a notification, the customer must send decision in writing to Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) within seven (7) days.

There will not be any recourse to compensation payable or liability accepted beyond the options listed above where the Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) is forced to abrogate or adjust booking or reservation by reason of "force majeure". Namely war, threat of war, riot, civil unrest, fire, adverse weather conditions, strikes, industrial action, terrorist activity, natural or man-made disasters or such any other similar occurrences beyond the company’s control.


Final Payment

Before final payment is made you will receive a final invoice that has been updated to reflect any currency fluctuations. Prices are not locked in until full payment has been made. The balance of the tour price shall be paid sixty (60) days before departure or arrival date. In the event that full payment of balance is not fulfilled in time, Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) reserves the right to cancel your booking or reservation, retain your deposit and invoke cancellation charges where applicable.

Please be informed that no reminders will be sent. Under circumstance where booking is effected under sixty (60) days before the departure or arrival date the total amount due is payable at the time of booking or reservation.


Cancellation Occasioned by Customer

If you decide to cancel your booking or reservation, the person who signed the booking form must notify us immediately in writing. Cancellation is effective from the date of receipt of your notification. Customer cancellation before the full payment due date will incur loss of the non-refundable deposit as specified above and any charges received from suppliers. Customer cancellation on or after the full payment due date, but more than sixty (60) days prior to departure, will incur a penalty equal to 50% of the total booking cost.

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will make no refunds for customer cancellations made less than forty (45) days before departure or arrival or subsequent to travel commencement. Other cancellation fees or refunds for customer cancellation are at the discretion of the hotels, tour operators, travel agencies, rental car agencies and other service providers with which customer has reserved travel related services.


Cancellation Emanating from Kra Travel

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) reserves the absolute rights to cancel your booking or reservation at any time before the departure date. In such circumstances, the company will offer an alternative package of similar quality and standard. In the event that this is not acceptable to you, any monies paid for the trip will be reimbursed in full (save non-refundable deposit and where cancellation of the package is as a result of your failure to pay for the package in accordance with the payment provisions spelt out in this document).

In the highly unlikely event that Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) cancels any reservation or booking, customer will not be entitled to make any further claim for losses or damages whatsoever arising, including consequential losses, expenses, vaccinations, visa fees or any other travel arrangements.


Late or Last Minute Booking 

Any booking made and deposit paid within two (2) weeks of departure will attract a One Hundred United States of America Dollars (USD$100) per booking fee. This fee is to cover the cost of expediting the confirmation of your booking and to cover the cost of FedEx or EMS shipment of the documents.



Provided booking is paid in full sixty (60) days prior to departure or arrival, Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will send any documents to arrive within two (2) weeks of departure. Documents will be sent via email or using ground or priority mail. A Fifty United States of America Dollars (USD$50) rush fee will be charged to expedite documents that require delivery earlier than two (2) weeks prior to departure. Any bookings made within seven (7) days of departure will only receive e-documents.



Travel insurance is strongly recommended and it is mandatory for all Kra Travel's (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) special interest tourism, travel, vacation, holidays and hospitality packages. Travel insurance can be purchased to cover all penalties in the event customer needs to cancel or change the customer’s travel plans. Travel insurance must also provide medical and emergency assistance protection during travel, as well as provide some loss and delay coverage.

In case of arrival without insurance, all hospital and medical expenses are the customer’s or traveler’s responsibility. Customer’s travel insurance must cover personal accident, death, medical expenses and repatriation costs, including air ambulance and helicopter rescue. 

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) further strongly recommends that your cover is extended to include cancellation, curtailment, loss of effects and all other expenses which may arise in connection with loss, damage, injury or other inconveniences. Additionally, you must ensure that there are no exclusion clauses which limit cover for the type of activities included in chosen package. It is entirely customer’s responsibility to ensure that adequate insurance cover has been obtained.

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) reserves the rights to cancel customer’s booking or reservation at any point prior to departure or arrival date if not satisfied that adequate insurance cover is procured. Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will require documentary proof of customer’s travel insurance cover at least two weeks prior to departure or arrival date.


Passport and Visas 

A passport valid for six months beyond the date of return travel is mandatory for entry and or admission into all countries. It is important to check the visa requirements ahead of time. Customers must therefore be in possession of a valid passport and all entry visas, permits and certificates including vaccination certificates, required for the whole of the trip. Customers accept full responsibility for making all necessary arrangements in respect of this.

If a customer fails to do so, then Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) has no liability to her or him for any cost, loss or damage which may be suffered, nor will Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) refund the cost of any unused portion of the travel schedules. Customers should check with the nearest Ghana embassy or consulate for the exact visa application requirements and any other necessary information. 

Any advice or information given by Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) about flights, visas, healthcare, vaccinations, climate, clothing, equipment, conditions and other matters is given in absolute good faith but without responsibility on Krinsol Ecotours' part. It is customer’s sole responsibility to check the specific rules and regulations concerning his or her travel to Ghana.

Ideally, the best sources for official information on Ghana entry visa are the Ghana Immigration Service http://www.ghanaimmigration.org/ or Ghana Embassies and Consulates in applicant’s home countries.

PS: Entry visas, airline ticket and itinerary do not guarantee you entry into a country. It is the traveler’s responsibility to declare any information relating to, but not limited to, a criminal record, health records and all other reasons that may impede a customer’s entry into Ghana.

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) absolves its self from any responsibility for inaccurate information obtained through Kra Travel's (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) website.


Limitation of Risk and Liabilities 

In effecting a booking or reservation, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks and hazards involved in Eco or adventure travel, in addition to the usual risks associated with foreign travel, and you affirm that you are both mentally and physically capable of undertaking the chosen package and activities involved. Some of the risks of Eco or adventure travel may include injury, sickness and disease, remoteness from medical services, loss or damage to property, discomfort and inconvenience, cultural shock and extreme weather conditions.

You understand that your decision to travel to Ghana with Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) is made in the light of consideration of this information, including any others accessed personally from diverse sources, and that you are willing to assume all personal risks associated with such travel. 

In view of this, Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) shall not bear liability for any claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, delays, sickness, injury, or loss of enjoyment, of any nature or kind whatsoever, resulting from events beyond Kra Travel's (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) or a service provider’s reasonable control.

In no event shall Kra Travel's (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) liability exceed the total amounts a customer paid to Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) for customer’s travel package. Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) assumes no responsibility for lost tickets, documents, passes, coupons and/or any other personal properties.


Booking or Reservation Challenges

Customers shall acknowledge and accept that the dynamics of travel within Africa requires flexibility and allowances for alternatives. The outline itineraries given for each tour should not be regarded as contractual obligations of Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd).

Rather, they should be seen as an indication to the aims of the customer, and as such the route, schedules, itineraries, hotels, facilities and mode of travel may be subject to adjustment without prior notice due to unpredictable or unforeseeable circumstances. Where there is accommodation substitution, it will be of the same quality and standard as the original accommodation specified. No refunds will be given for services not utilized.


Authority During the Visit, Stay and/or Activities

By submitting the booking form, you agree to accept the authority and decisions of the Kra Travel's (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) employees, group leaders, agents and suppliers while on tour, and must at all times strictly adhere to the laws, customs, foreign exchange and drug regulations of Ghana. Decisions made by the group leader as to the conduct, itinerary, and objectives of the tour are deemed final.

If, in the opinion of the group leader, any group member’s behavior or physical condition is detrimental to the safety, well-being or the welfare of the group as a whole, or a hindrance to the progress of the itinerary, that member may be excluded from the whole of, or part of, the tour without recourse to any refund. In the case of ill-health, Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) reserves the right to make such arrangements for the person’s well-being as the management deems necessary and to recover the whole of the costs thereof from the individual involved.


Claims and Complaints

Where a customer is dissatisfied with any segment of the package, she or he should inform the group leader or Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) representative as soon as possible of the nature of the dissatisfaction so that the leader or representative has the opportunity to resolve the complaint immediately. In the unlikely event that the complaint is still unresolved at the end of the package, the customer must inform the Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) of the complaint in writing within thirty (30) days of returning from the visit, stay and/or activities.

Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any complaints if the customer does not take reasonable steps to inform the leader or representative during the visit, stay and/or activities. Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) absolutely expects to resolve all disputes amicably through dialogue and consensus building.



These terms and conditions shall remain valid and binding until further notice in writing from Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd).



These terms and conditions, together with all matters arising from it, are governed by Ghanaian laws, statutes and regulations. And the Ghanaian courts of judicature and competent jurisdiction.


The Country SIDE Ultimate Escapes

Are you passionate about discovering the sights, sounds, scenes, images, hospitable, friendly and courteous people, and to peel the Pulse of amazing Ghana? Are you keen on developing transformational leadership, teamwork, diversity management, social, intercultural and interpersonal communications and relationships building skills through tourism, tours and travel ? Are you committed to helping promote, strengthen, support and sustain Ghana’s local and domestic tourism for a pro-Poor, needy, vulnerable, deprived, underprivileged, marginalized and minorities sustainable living, lifestyles, livelihoods and development? Then, Kra Travel’s Country SIDE (Social, Intercultural and Diversity Excursions) Ultimate Escapes, provides all of these unique opportunities, solutions and so much more!



Kra Travel

(Registered as Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd)

Social Enterprise (SE)

P O Box DK 465, Darkuman, Accra, Ghana

+233535179222 +233598962042 +12404599488


Socialize with Kra Travel on Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube and LinkedIn @kratravel