• Chocolate Passions Trail

    Exclusive moments for chocolate lovers to experience exquisite taste of organic chocolate and farm gate activities of its production and service value chain
  • Native and Indigenous Culture Exploits

    Flamboyant traditional dance of the Ashanti Kingdom performed with intricate moves and intriguing gestures worth indulging
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Magical co-existence at unique communities where mona monkeys, residents and tourists enjoy excellent peaceful cohabitation
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, Swim, Surf and Sports Deep Dive

    Pristine tucked-away coastlines, lake and river fronts for uniquely impact oriented, deeply satisfying and fun filled beach, sunbathing, meditation, stress relieving, nerves calming and rejuvenating vacation in Ghana where beach meet beats
  • History Panorama

    Spiritual riverside where African Slaves en-route to long domestic and industrial servitude in the New Found World (America) and elsewhere had their last bath and touch of African waters
  • Precious Minerals Observatory

    Once-in-a-lifetime invitation to satisfy your curiosity as to why Ghana was once named Gold Coast with a visit to this beautiful land where Gold & other precious minerals can be found even at the least expected places
  • Country Side: Ultimate Escapes

    Pleasurable footsteps in the sky and on top of trees at the world’s longest rain forest canopy walkway
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Explore diverse majestic & amazing wildlife species within several national wildlife and natural resources conservation parks
  • Native and Indigenous Culture Exploits

    Explore, experience and get hands-on with incredible indigenous lifestyles of communication and entertainment offered through majestic drum beats
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, Swim, Surf and Sports Deep Dive

    Captivating canoe excursions that takes world heritage followers and enthusiasts to the quintessential village on stilt and other stash away pristine wetlands, fresh water lagoons and tropical swamp forest sites
  • History Panorama

    At the center of Ghana's capital city, Accra in memory of Dr Kwame Nkrumah (the African personality of the millennium) Ghana's first president
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Astounding experience of Ghana’s internationally acclaimed extreme friendship, courtesy and hospitality even from the wild
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, Swim, Surf and Sports Deep Dive

    Astonishing cruise to the mystical Dodi Island brings you up close and personal with the wonders of/and across Lake Volta (world's largest man made Lake by surface area)
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Upon arrival in Ghana, the first sound you will hear is laughter which makes you feel very welcomed, if you loved it, another opportunity await you to experience colorful and diverse bird species chirping fascinating sounds whilst bird-watching in several tropical rain forests

Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta


Practically Demonstrate your Philanthropic, Charitable, Social and Humanitarian Values, Impact, Responsive, Mission, Purpose, Compassion, Generosity, Benevolence and Goodwill Through Donation, Sponsorship and/or Support for the "Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta!”


Serving of free meals and beverages at a Humanity Alive and Social Fiesta! Constant and consistent access to quality, healthy and nutritious food is one of the critical components of the developmental and living curves


The "Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta" project is a philanthropic and charitable social inclusion, diversity management, inter-personal, cultural and community engagement and assistance initiative. Under Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) people, community centered and inspired "Humanity Alive International Initiative (HAII)". It aims to organize and offer charitable and philanthropic events, programs and activities for grassroots, poor, needy, vulnerable, underprivileged, marginalized, minority and deprived people, groups and communities.

The conceptualization, development and introduction of “Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta” was solely motivated and influenced by Kra Travel’s (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) absolute beliefs and convictions. In the cherished age-old Ghanaian charitable, philanthropic, social, cultural, humanitarian and economic development perspectives, responsibility, goodwill, generosity, compassionate and benevolence practices and ideals that amplifies community sharing and inter-dependency. And which serves as a formidable, valuable and reliable social, cultural, humanitarian and economic safety nets for the needy, poor, vulnerable, underprivileged, deprived and marginalized within communities and society especially, children.

Generally, the “Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta” project is aimed at periodically organizing various philanthropic and charitable events, activities and sustainable living, lifestyles and livelihoods assistance programs. For Children, Seniors (Elderly), and in particular, the Youth and Persons with Special Needs, Disabilities, Reduced Mobility and Physically or Mobility Challenged.

Often it is said that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. And drawing lessons from this, the Social Enterprise (SE), Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) is determined and will strive to provide a formidable platform for people and groups especially Children, Seniors (Elderly) and in particular, the Youth and Persons with Special Needs, Disabilities, Reduced Mobility and Physically or Mobility Challenged. To engage in regular productive economic and sustainable development, diversity management, social and intercultural communications and relationships building. Tourism, field trips, sightseeing, excursions, adventure, outdoor recreation, leisure and pleasure. Sports, artistic, entertainment, active and healthy living, lifestyles and livelihoods events, programs and activities. In order to free themselves and/or serve as a break from constant and consistent boredom and idleness. Leverage real and/or perceived neglect, despondency, stress, isolation, lack of opportunities for self-actualization, development and determination.

Obviously all these mentioned conditions such people or group may find themselves in, are formidable situations or circumstances which has tremendous potential to influence and/or tilt the youth especially, towards various anti-social, cultural, economic, developmental and self-destructive practices and behaviors. Including and not limited to crime, violence, drug or substance abuse and peddling, armed robbery, thievery or stealing, prostitution, stripping, alcoholism, teenage, child, early or unplanned marriages and pregnancies. And also susceptible to becoming victims of other crimes such as child labor, human trafficking, migrants smuggling, emotional or sexual exploitation, abuse, molestation and rape.

Ultimately, aside striving to ameliorate the aforementioned and other diverse pervasive, systemic and emerging issues or challenges, the mandates, goals, objectives and targets of diverse events, programs and activities of "Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta“. Is to leverage a transformational, radical and fundamental mindsets and attitudinal change, establish strong friendships, relationships and bonds between the diverse communities, ethnic and religious groups within Ghana. Believing that, this will facilitate to crystallize, illuminate, achieve and maintain formidable diversity, ethnic, religious, communal, cultural and social acceptance, responsibility, respect and understanding among Ghanaians.

As a Social Enterprise (SE), Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd), is highly optimistic that, this will contribute significantly to the efforts being made by other organizations, institutions, ministries, departments, agencies, groups and individuals. Aimed at preventing, reducing and/or avoiding communal, social, cultural, religious and ethnic prejudices, stereotypes, misunderstanding and tensions. Which amplifies, crystallizes and/or comes with the expected snowball effects of communal, ethnic, religious, social and cultural strife, tensions, conflicts and violence elimination, prevention, reduction, peaceful-coexistence, security, safety and stability with Ghana.

In line with the true spirit, significance, meaning and values of humanitarian and social responsibility, purpose, values, good, impact investing, making or creation, philanthropy and support systems. Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will be organizing and providing charity events, programs and activities for Seniors (Elderly), Children, and in particular, the Youth, Persons with Special Needs, Disabilities, Reduced Mobility and Physically or Mobility Challenged. Through the "Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta" project.

These events, programs and activities are to serve as window of opportunity, propelling Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) and other social and humanitarian responsibility, purpose, values, impact and benefits creation and philanthropic partners to show love, compassion, affection, solidarity, sympathy, emotional attachment and commitments. To the plight of Persons with Special Needs, Disabilities, Reduced Mobility and Physically or Mobility Challenged, Seniors (Elderly), Children and the Youth

It is also to fester a sense of belonging among such critical, but unfortunately, poor, needy, vulnerable, deprived, underprivileged, marginalized, minority and often taken for granted group or community. Additionally, the ultimate goal of these programs, activities and events is to provide the much needed, but often neglected compassion, love, relief, care and attention for Persons with Special Needs, Disabilities, Reduced Mobility and Physically or Mobility Challenged, Children, Seniors (Elderly) and the Youth.

Through philanthropic and charitable donations, provision of free food, drinks. Social, cultural, arts, educational, music and entertainment. Tourism, leisure, sightseeing, excursions, outdoor and recreation. Sports, healthy, active and sustainable living, lifestyles and livelihoods improvement. Employable skills training and capacity-building. Public education, information dissemination, soft diplomacy, storytelling, outreach, awareness raising, sensitization and advocacy events, programs and activities relative to diverse systemic, pervasive and emerging critical challenges or issues within Ghana.




General Manager of Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd), a physically challenged (4th from left in wheelchair) in a group photo with some beneficiaries of Humanity Alive and Social Fiesta "Challenged Expedition 2018" which took 30 Persons with Disabilities on a purposeful field trip to Kakum National Park and Cape Coast Castle


Further, it is also to help people who find themselves in this community to thrive, celebrate, exchange ideas, share personal experiences, stories and achievements. Cultivate, develop, build and nurture personal, career or professional, business, entrepreneurial and community links, contacts and networks. Enjoy companionship, ease and comfort on these special days.

The Social Enterprise (SE), Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) will use these events, programs and activities as a formidable platform to also promote, support and strengthen public relations, storytelling, soft diplomacy, education, information dissemination, awareness creation, sensitization and advocacy. To illuminate and bring into national, international and social limelight, focus and attention the extremely pathetic buildings, transportation, spaces, other facilities, amenities and infrastructure. Including and in particular tourist sites, attractions, locations and other places of interest, official, community and social events, programs and activities accessibility challenges, difficulties or barriers. Faced by Persons with Special Needs, Disabilities, Reduced Mobility and Physically or Mobility Challenged. And as well as the criminal, barbaric and inhumane phenomenon of human trafficking and migrants smuggling epidemic especially those that involves the silent endemic culture of human or child trafficking, migrants smuggling, child labor, sexual and emotional exploitation, abuse, molestation, rape and neglect within Ghana.

This is a significant part of Kra Travel’s (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) comprehensive corporate social and humanitarian responsibility, purpose, values and impact creation strategies and efforts. To win the hearts and minds of the general public, at the grassroots, local and community level. Help leverage, generate, activate and/or crystallize a transformational, radical and fundamental international, national, social and cultural, public, civil, corporate and private sector, policy or decision makers, leaders and influencers’ conscience, attention and actions. It is aimed to influence and serve as a catalyst for grassroots, community, cultural and societal mindsets, behavioral and attitudinal change. And policies formulation paradigm shifts towards authorities and policy or decision makers, leaders and influencers. Assuming greater political, public, civil and corporate capacity, mastery, passions, enthusiasm, zeal and commitments to addressing the prevailing extremely pathetic issues, challenges and barriers raised. And as well as other critical pervasive, systemic and emerging social, cultural, economic and developmental concerns of these target groups.

Additionally, these events, programs and activities are also expected to serves as Kra Travel’s (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) corporate social, humanitarian, cultural, economic and environmental responsibility, purpose, values, impact, benefits, mission, compassion, generosity, benevolence and goodwill creation contribution to the people, society, humanity and local or host communities. To help leverage, activate, propel and elevate enthusiasm and passions for domestic tourism, travel, vacation, holidays, excursions, recreation, leisure and hospitality, entertainment, sports, healthy, active and sustainable living, lifestyles and livelihoods, culture, arts, history, wildlife, biodiversity, nature, natural resource, environmental, flora and fauna preservation, conservation, protection, restoration and responsibility activities and experiences.

The "Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta“ project, also strives to establish strong bonds of friendship, understanding, acceptance, solidarity and mutual respect between the diverse people, communities, ethnic and religious groups within Ghana. Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) believes this will significantly help in breaking or eliminating entrenched societal and cultural beliefs, norms and practices, glass ceilings, uncomplimentary prejudices and stereotypes which often leads to isolation, discrimination, tensions, mistrusts and conflicts. Implicitly, this can contribute significantly to prevent potential communal, interpersonal, ethnic, religious and other conflicts and violence. This in the long run, facilitate in leveraging a thriving people, communities and society, peaceful-coexistence, harmony and sustainable development.

As a Social Enterprise (SE), "Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta“, is aligned to Kra Travel’s (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) comprehensive corporate social and humanitarian responsibility, purpose, impact, values creation and support systems effort to put smiles on the faces of some of the most vulnerable, poor, needy, deprived, underprivileged, marginalized, minority and unfortunately, often taken for granted segment of society. And who regrettably, are predominately confined to the periphery of social, cultural, economic and developmental structures.


Donation of food items, water, clothing, footwear and other basic necessities of life as part of Humanity Alive and Social Fiesta! Compassion activated for migrant refugees living in Ghana and begging on the streets of Accra


Strategic Events, Programs and Activities

  • Donation of food, drinks, crutches, wheelchairs, white canes, clothing, footwear, user-friendly computers, books, backpacks and other basic necessities of life.
  • Native and indigenous cultural performances, gastronomy, arts and crafts bazaar, musical show, poetry, play, concert, drama, theatre, comedy, film, movie, artistic expression, performance and exhibition.
  • Purposeful diversity management, social and intercultural communications and relationships building, arts, educational, music, entertainment, sports, leisure, recreation, sightseeing, excursions, outdoor, healthy, active and sustainable living, lifestyles and livelihoods events, programs and activities.
  • Public education, information dissemination, soft diplomacy, storytelling, outreach, awareness raising, sensitization and advocacy on pervasive, emerging and systemic issues or challenges of public interest particularly those that affect the identified target groups.
  • Employable (business, entrepreneurial, technical, vocational, personal and/or professional) competencies development, training and capacity-building (tourism, travel and hospitality products or services, arts and craft, phones, electronic gadgets, tools, equipment and machinery repair and retrofitting, marketing, accounting, finance, ICT, online and digital literacy, leadership, diversity management, social and intercultural relations and communication).


Target Group

  • Seniors (Elderly, 65+)
  • Youth and Student (in Junior or Senior High School)
  • Children (up to 12 token fees paid by accompanying parents)
  • Persons with special needs, disabilities, reduced mobility and physically or mobility challenged


Staging Periods

Events, programs and activities will be organized on special or festive occasions including and not limited to the following highlights:

  • Easter
  • Christmas
  • Weekends
  • Father’s Day
  • Republic Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Independence Day
  • Any Other Special Days or Occasions as maybe deemed fit


Public education, information dissemination, awareness creation and sensitization at a Humanity Alive and Social Fiesta! Creating unique opportunities for fundamental and radical active, healthy and sustainable living and lifestyles, positive mindsets and attitudinal changes as leverage for kids to grow into responsible, conscientious, ethical, moral, efficient and effective adults and/or leaders


Strategic Philanthropic, Charitable, Social and Humanitarian Appeal


Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) is a Startup Social Enterprise (SE) at its very nascent stage. The organization therefore, does not have all the required resources or financial capabilities and cannot do it all by itself. Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) is therefore appealing to philanthropic, charitable, impact investing or making, social, humanitarian, public good or spirited corporate, public, civil and private sector institutions, organizations, companies, ministries, departments and agencies. Professionals, groups, clubs, networks and individuals who have compassion, sympathies, emotional attachments for the stated target groups or community, and are passionate and committed to philanthropy, social and humanitarian causes for monetary or cash donation to support "Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta".

Aside monetary or cash donations, we will also accept and appreciate donations of crutches, wheelchairs, white canes, other walking aids, clothing, footwear, computers, phones, books, backpacks and other basic necessities of life for distribution to the stated target groups.

Any philanthropic, charitable, impact investing or making, social, humanitarian, public good or spirited corporate, public, civil and private sector institutions, organizations, companies, ministries, departments, agencies, professionals, groups, clubs, networks and individuals interested in granting a donation can contact Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) on any of the telephone numbers provided or send us an email for our bank details or personal collection of your donation. On the other hand, if you wish to donate items too, we will also be absolutely happy to pick up your donation.

As social and humanitarian actions, response and development partners, it’s Kra Travel’s (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) sincere hope and expectation that, this appeal will be seen as part of our collective social and humanitarian values and impact creation and effort to assist and put smiles on the faces of some of the most vulnerable, poor, needy, underprivileged, deprived, marginalized and minority. And who unfortunately, are often taken for granted segment of society and predominantly confined to the periphery of social, cultural, economic and developmental structures.

Prospective donors, sponsors or partners and the general public are encouraged to not hesitate to give Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) a call or send an email for any questions, concerns and/or further details. We will also be ready and gladly accept an invitation for a meeting relative to this appeal, any other matters of interest or mutual benefits. Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) clarion call is for organizations, institutions, groups and individuals to practically demonstrate their social and humanitarian values, impact, responsive, mission, purpose, compassion, generosity, benevolence and goodwill through donation, sponsorship and/or support for the "Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta“.

Whilst we look forward to a favorable response to our appeal from you, the cherished philanthropy and donor community, we also want to take this unique opportunity to thank you all very much for taken the time of your busy schedules for this virtual visit.

Thank you very much also for taking the time to read this appeal for donations and for your anticipated donations, sponsorship and/or support. As part of our collective efforts to put smiles on the faces of some of the most vulnerable, poor, needy, underprivileged, deprived, marginalized, minority and unfortunately, often taken for granted segment of society. And regrettably, predominantly confined to the periphery of social, cultural, economic and developmental structures. Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) counts on your cherished social and humanitarian values, impact, mission, responsive, purpose, compassion, generosity, benevolence and goodwill.


Practically Demonstrate your Philanthropic, Charitable, Social and Humanitarian Values, Impact, Responsive, Mission, Purpose, Compassion, Generosity, Benevolence and Goodwill with Donation, Sponsorship and/or Support for the "Ghana Intercultural, Diversity, Social, Humanitarian and Youth Alive Fiesta!”


Donate, Sponsor, Partnership or Collaborations



+233541741202 +233264475836 +233248824018 +13016751358 +436604179011 +393317322339 +447803336925

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Socialize with Kra Travel on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube @kratravel


Other Strategic Projects

As part of/and in fulfillment of Kra Travel's (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) sustainable social, cultural, humanitarian, economic and democratic development impact contract and commitments to local or host communities, special target groups, communities and generally, the people of Ghana and humanity.

We have also developed and rolled these strategic programs highlighted below:

(links to be inserted for each)



The Country SIDE Ultimate Escapes

Are you passionate about discovering the sights, sounds, scenes, images, hospitable, friendly and courteous people, and to peel the Pulse of amazing Ghana? Are you keen on developing transformational leadership, teamwork, diversity management, social, intercultural and interpersonal communications and relationships building skills through tourism, tours and travel ? Are you committed to helping promote, strengthen, support and sustain Ghana’s local and domestic tourism for a pro-Poor, needy, vulnerable, deprived, underprivileged, marginalized and minorities sustainable living, lifestyles, livelihoods and development? Then, Kra Travel’s Country SIDE (Social, Intercultural and Diversity Excursions) Ultimate Escapes, provides all of these unique opportunities, solutions and so much more!



Kra Travel

(Registered as Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd)

Social Enterprise (SE)

P O Box DK 465, Darkuman, Accra, Ghana

+233535179222 +233598962042 +12404599488


Socialize with Kra Travel on Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube and LinkedIn @kratravel