• Chocolate Passions Trail

    Exclusive moments for chocolate lovers to experience exquisite taste of organic chocolate and farm gate activities of its production and service value chain
  • Native and Indigenous Culture Exploits

    Flamboyant traditional dance of the Ashanti Kingdom performed with intricate moves and intriguing gestures worth indulging
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Magical co-existence at unique communities where mona monkeys, residents and tourists enjoy excellent peaceful cohabitation
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, Swim, Surf and Sports Deep Dive

    Pristine tucked-away coastlines, lake and river fronts for uniquely impact oriented, deeply satisfying and fun filled beach, sunbathing, meditation, stress relieving, nerves calming and rejuvenating vacation in Ghana where beach meet beats
  • History Panorama

    Spiritual riverside where African Slaves en-route to long domestic and industrial servitude in the New Found World (America) and elsewhere had their last bath and touch of African waters
  • Precious Minerals Observatory

    Once-in-a-lifetime invitation to satisfy your curiosity as to why Ghana was once named Gold Coast with a visit to this beautiful land where Gold & other precious minerals can be found even at the least expected places
  • Country Side: Ultimate Escapes

    Pleasurable footsteps in the sky and on top of trees at the world’s longest rain forest canopy walkway
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Explore diverse majestic & amazing wildlife species within several national wildlife and natural resources conservation parks
  • Native and Indigenous Culture Exploits

    Explore, experience and get hands-on with incredible indigenous lifestyles of communication and entertainment offered through majestic drum beats
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, Swim, Surf and Sports Deep Dive

    Captivating canoe excursions that takes world heritage followers and enthusiasts to the quintessential village on stilt and other stash away pristine wetlands, fresh water lagoons and tropical swamp forest sites
  • History Panorama

    At the center of Ghana's capital city, Accra in memory of Dr Kwame Nkrumah (the African personality of the millennium) Ghana's first president
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Astounding experience of Ghana’s internationally acclaimed extreme friendship, courtesy and hospitality even from the wild
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, Swim, Surf and Sports Deep Dive

    Astonishing cruise to the mystical Dodi Island brings you up close and personal with the wonders of/and across Lake Volta (world's largest man made Lake by surface area)
  • Adventure, Wildlife and Nature Footsteps

    Upon arrival in Ghana, the first sound you will hear is laughter which makes you feel very welcomed, if you loved it, another opportunity await you to experience colorful and diverse bird species chirping fascinating sounds whilst bird-watching in several tropical rain forests

Exclusive USA Capital Tri-States Getaway



USA Capital Tri-States (Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia - DMV) Panoramic Getaway

America Beyond Just a Dream!


Do you constantly crave to give yourself a perfect break from the everyday pressure and stress of work, business, study or life?

Are you passionate about giving your kids personal, career or professional and job market competitive advantage and a head-start in life through international travel, experience and exposure?

Do you consistently think about giving your parents, family and loved ones an unforgettable and befitting gift or honor during their life time?


The time to act is now if you answered yes to any of the questions! And consider this, there could not be any other unique opportunity than an exclusive and magical vacation, excursion, leisure, hospitality, travel and tour of the United State of America (USA) Capital Tri-States Panoramic Getaway.

If you have even the slightest passion or interest in discovering, experiencing and learning about the astonishing people, history, heritage, culture, gastronomy, monuments, museums and landscapes of the land of the brave and home of the free, this package is the razor sharp and excellent fit for you!

An unparalleled vacation, excursion, leisure, travel, tour and hospitality activities and experiences tailored not just to meet, but exceed the needs, wants, demands, expectations and cravings of anyone looking for a well-deserved retreat from the everyday stress and pressures of very demanding social, economic, business, work, study and living activities.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit, explore, discover, learn and indulge in a stress relieving, nerves calming, relaxation, rejuvenating and energizing panoramic experience of several picturesque landscapes, sites and attractions, iconic culture, history, heritage, monuments and museums, legendary and contemporary institutions, organizations, businesses, personalities and landmarks found within United States of America's triangular states, the capital area of Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia (DMV).




Target Group

  • Seniors (50+).
  • Juniors (12 - 17).
  • People with disabilities.
  • Students (High school, College and University).
  • Individuals and/or groups who have the means and/or excellent social and economic credentials to enable them qualify for obtaining United States of America entry permit or visa.
  • Corporate, public, civil, private sector business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders, board members, top executives, managers, administrators, servants and professionals. Dignitaries, diplomats, government officials and appointees, public figures, influencers and celebrities.



From USD$ 3,860 (per person)


Package Price Covers

  • Meals (Hotel breakfast)
  • Accommodation (6 nights)
  • Other complimentary added-on surprises
  • Airport arrival/departure courtesies and transfer
  • Nightlife social, intercultural and diversity unwinding (optional)
  • Visit to attractions, sites, institutions and organizations within the United States of America (USA) capital's triangular states of Washington DC, Maryland & Virginia (DMV)


***This package is for customers who already have United States of America (USA) entry permit/visa. Or customers who have what it takes and are in the position to get one.




+233 264 475 836

+233 246 615 731

+1 301 675 1358

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Socialization: follow, like and/or share us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @kratravel


Partnership Opportunities

Educational institutions, tour organizers/operators, travel agents, destination marketing companies, vacation, excursion, leisure, travel, tour and hospitality marketers/bloggers from across the globe, particularly Europe, Africa, Asia and Middle East/Gulf region needed for strategic partnerships and collaborations!


Corporate, Executive and Personal Travel Solutions


 Innovative Travel Solutions


Absolute Peace of Mind Travel Courtesies and Experience to, from and within Ghana!


From your door-step to final departure, great airport shuttle, departure and arrival processes and procedures courtesies and experiences await you!


 Elevating International and Domestic Corporate, Executive and Personal Travel Courtesies, Experience, safety, security, comfort, luxury and peace of mind Paradigms!


International and domestic travel has become extremely sophisticated in a constantly changing global social, cultural, business, economic, geo-political and security environments. This has resulted in inevitable travel challenges confronting both corporate and social travel markets and publics. This situation is attributable to the combined effects of current fast paced living and working demands, travel, tourism and hospitality industry's dynamic nature, diversity of customer needs, wants and expectations, cumbersome visa or immigration laws, rules and regulations, health, security and safety, cost of travel and other essential travel customer journey concerns.

For these reasons companies, institutions, organization, groups, families and individuals need to devote enormous dedicated time and attention to plan every aspect of the travel customer journey in the midst of other critical competing usual or everyday social, economic, business, management and administration demands. This does not allow for highly effective, efficient, meticulous and diligent information gathering as well as optimal use of resources.

It is therefore important for prospective, first time and even frequent travelers to access the services of experts and knowledgeable industry professionals who have the right attitudes, competences, time, attention, industry insights and instincts to help them navigate the travel customer journey diligently and meticulously. Fortunately for you, this is one of our specialties and what we do best with passion, dedication, tenacity, zeal and with speed believing that time is of critical essence in whatever we do.

We crave your indulgence to allow us to shoulder your entire travel essentials, customer journey concerns and time consuming activities!

Take advantage of our specialist and professional Corporate, Executive and Personal Travel Solutions, which provides you the luxury, time and peace of mind to concentrate on your demanding and fast paced usual or everyday social, economic and job activities. The team of top notch, highly trained industry experts and professionals at Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd) work meticulously and diligently to ensure that you enjoy an impeccable courtesies, luxurious, convenient, comfortable, relaxed, safe, secure, cost efficient and effective travel experience.


All of these chaos, hustle and inconveniences are very much and easily avoidable through our impeccable courtesy services


Our specialty services

  • Standard airport arrival courtesies and transfer
  • Prestige airport arrival courtesies and transfer (including immigration control & baggage retrieval assistance)
  • Standard departure shuttle and check-in courtesies
  • Prestige departure shuttle and check-in courtesies (including immigration control assistance)
  • City and intercity courtesy shuttle
  • Comprehensive airline ticket and accommodation search, reservation and booking
  • International travel consultancy (documentation, processing and applications support)
  • Strategic business, product and investment exploratory, familiarization, feasibility studies and development trips
  • International travel, relocation & integration training and orientation
  • Ghana visa or resident permit application consultancy and support
  • Study abroad opportunities search, applications and admissions consultancy


Our passionate and committed top notch expert and professional team works meticulously to not just meet, but exceed all needs, wants, expectations and demands of even the most extremely sophisticated customers throughout the customer journey activities and experiences!


Call, Write or Visit Kra Travel right NOW for an impeccably wow travel courtesies and experience!


RSVP: through any of the following links


+233 541 741 202

+233 264 475 836

+233 248 824 018

+1 301 675 1358

+43 660 417 9011

+39 331 732 2339

+44 780 333 6925

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Socialize with Kra Travel on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube @kratravel


Let our passionate and committed professional team take care of all your travel essentials and shoulder all of these travel inconveniences, hustle and chaos


Innovations in Combating Corruption and Fraud Training


 Sustainable, Creative and Innovative Approaches to Combating Corruption and Fraud

"Elevating Anti-Corruption and Fraud Narratives, Training, Capacity-building, Advocacy, Public Education, Information Dissemination, Outreach, Awareness Creation and Sensitization Paradigms"


The phenomenon of endemic corruption and fraud has become a topical issue across the globe in recent years. Not surprisingly, it has gained notoriety and widely acknowledged as being responsible for much of the critical pervasive and emerging developmental challenges facing countries, people, communities, societies and humanity in general particularly, within the context of Africa and other developing regions of the world.

Systemic corruption and fraud is one of the most pressing global challenges and presents formidable difficulty, danger and threat to achieving sustainable development and for that matter, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its a bad situation, which has become a dent on the conscience of many individuals, groups, institutions, organizations and communities globally.

Critical areas that are hardest hits by systemic corruption and fraud include provision of essential public and social services, amenities and infrastructure, the very poor, vulnerable and underprivileged. Corruption and fraud also hugely influences the critical decision making processes, decisions and actions of public, civil, corporate and private sector leaders, policy/decision makers and other key officials.

Further, it has tremendous effects on cost of living, doing business and return on investment, individual self-determination, development and actualization, sustainable and human development. Again, corruption and fraud severely impede democracy, good governance, accountability and transparency, equitable distribution of resources, human rights, peace and security.

On the basis of the fundamental influences and effects of systemic corruption and fraud including those aforementioned, it’s obvious that achieving sustainable development and for that matter, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) becomes extremely difficult or even impossible in any country where corruption and fraud thrives.

It is therefore important to extend the needed attention to the increasing corrupt and fraudulent practices affecting social, economic, democratic and human development, and eroding gains made by individuals, groups, agencies, institutions and organizations.

Fortunately, the devastating influences and effects of corruption and fraud are well known, documented and extensively discussed.

But what are we individually, doing in our own small way to play a meaningful role in mitigating systemic corruption and fraud at the international, national, local and community level, within our immediate environments and circles of influence?

And can the fight to mitigate corruption and fraud be achieved?

Absolutely YES!!!

The strategic instruments for achieving this exist.

However, the missing link lies in constant and consistent engagement, acquisition, effective and efficient application of these strategic instruments by individuals, groups, professionals, activists, advocates, campaigners and organizations passionate and committed to the cause of anti-corruption, democracy, equitable distribution of resources, sustainable development, good governance, transparency, accountability, equity, equal rights, liberty, fair and just society.

This is an actionable training, capacity-building, public education, information dissemination, awareness creation and sensitization program that prepares you adequately to play an effective, efficient and meaningful role in the effort being made to mitigate corruption and fraud across all levels of society and to become an impactful leader, change maker and/or agent through the acquisitions, effective and efficient application of these strategic instruments and tools.

It offers participants the requisite high leverage, innovative and applicable strategies, competencies, instruments, tools, information, insights and exposure on corruption and fraud early warning signs, detection, prevention and response actions.

The training introduces a new frontier of methodological and systematic empowerment of the grassroots, anti-corruption activists, advocates and campaigners, students, youth, lower and mid-level corporate, public, civil and private sector professionals, employees, any individuals who are passionate and committed to the cause of anti-corruption, democracy, equitable distribution of resources, sustainable development, good governance, transparency, accountability, equity, equal rights, liberty, fair and just society and other key stakeholders to lead the fight against corruption and fraud.


The time to act is now! Stand up and be counted!



"Corruption Impedes Development and Threatens our Collective Future"





  • To strategically advance the systematic development, continuous engagement and empowerment of the bottom of the societal pyramid, grassroots, ordinary citizens, public and private sector leadership and officials to guard against corruption, bribery and fraud, transparency, good governance and rule of law.
  • To serve as a catalyst for relentless and highly integrated grassroots anti-corruption, bribery and fraud, transparency, good governance and rule of law outreach, public education and sensitization campaign to conscientize the citizenry and corporate entities to win the hearts and minds of especially grassroots or ordinary people, which Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd. believes matter most if the fight against corruption, bribery and fraud is to be won whilst achieving enhanced good governance, transparency and rule of law. 
  • To facilitate creating a sense of urgency and passions for policies formulation paradigm shift towards government, authorities and decision makers assuming greater political capacity and mastery to addressing the critical issues of transparency, good governance, rule of law, corruption, bribery and fraud, socio-cultural, economic and political concerns facing the youth, poor, vulnerable, marginalized, minorities and ordinary people. The ultimate aim is to establish a passionate, dynamic and proactive individuals or groups with impeccable integrity to become formidable agents of change, and for scrutinizing especially government contracts, agreements and allocation of resources.
  • To leverage productive inter-connectivity, symbiotic relations, networking and exchange of information, expertise, knowledge, skills and technology between diverse state actors, officials, agencies and departments on one hand and civil society organizations, institutions, groups and individuals whose actions, work and activities directly or indirectly have an impact and can contribute to the fight against bribery, corruption and fraud, rule of law, transparency and good governance to allow for achieving that critical but taken for granted pulling of resources together, cohesion and unity of purpose on the other hand.
  • To contribute to literature and knowledge through chronicling all course experiences, comments and revelations that need to be known (course history) and developing them into a blue print document or manual on rule of law, good governance and transparency, anti-corruption, bribery and fraud, as a contribution to elevating socio-cultural, economic and democratic development which can be adopted by public or private sector organizations and other stakeholders for reference or guidelines, and particularly for grassroots public education, sensitization, advocacy and awareness creation.


Location: Accra, Ghana

Date: 22 - 24 May, 2019

Venue: Ampomaah Hotel, East Legon

Registration Fee: from USD$95


Resource Persons/Facilitators

Dr. Daniel Ato Aidoo (PhD, International Business): Researcher, Writer and Public Speaker, Business, Policy and Programs Development, Analyst and Management Consultant, USA


Mr. Francis Eshun-Baidoo (MA, Laws in Business and Finance Law): International Laws, Public Relations, Communication, Governance, Development and Anti-Corruption Expert, USA


Mr. Kakraba Emmanuel (BA, Business): Strategic Planning/Management, Business Development, Security/Law Enforcement and Social/Humanitarian Emergency Response Specialist, USA


Specialization Topics

  • Types/levels of corruption and fraud
  • Anti-corruption and fraud code of ethics
  • Corruption and fraud interview techniques
  • Sanctions/remedies for corruption and fraud
  • Corruption and fraud investigation strategies
  • Conducting corruption and fraud due diligence
  • Definitions and meanings of corruption and fraud
  • Flash points/places to watch for corruption and fraud
  • How to encourage/solicit report from the general public
  • Introduction to anti-corruption and fraud softwares/apps
  • Corruption and fraud prevention mechanism, tools or mix
  • Understanding the intricacies involved in corruption and fraud
  • Corruption and fraud early warning signs, alarm bells or telltales
  • Quality questions to ask for corruption and fraud self-introspection and assessment
  • Social, cultural, humanitarian, economic and political impacts of corruption and fraud


Target Audience

  • Religious organizations
  • Youth clubs and associations
  • Academics, students and educational institutions
  • Media and PR houses, practitioners and professionals
  • Security and law enforcement agencies and the judiciary
  • Local government officials, authorities and assembly members
  • Chiefs, Queen mothers, traditional leaders and community opinion leaders
  • Early/midterm public, civil, corporate and private sector professionals, officials and employees
  • Grassroots and ordinary people who unfortunately, find themselves at the periphery in the social, cultural, economic and political structures
  • All identifiable formal and informal grassroots organizations, groups, professionals (farmers, traders, artisans, drivers or transport unions etc.)
  • Professional associations or groups (lawyers, researchers, journalists, teachers, accountants, auditors, procurement, sales, marketing officials etc.)
  • Anti-corruption, bribery and fraud, rule of law, transparency, accountability, democracy, human rights and good governance experts, investigators, researchers, activists, civil society organizations, institutions, groups and individuals


RSVP: through any of the following links


+233 541 741 202

+233 264 475 836

+233 248 824 018

+1 301 675 1358

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Socialize with Kra Travel on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube @kratravel


We are currently accepting, welcome and will appreciate strategic support, partnerships, collaborations and sponsorship from domestic and international donors, philanthropists, impact investing/making, media, events marketing, volunteer, social, humanitarian and democratic development, public good/spirited institutions, organizations, ministries, departments, agencies, advocates, campaigners, professionals, groups, clubs, networks and individuals.


The Country SIDE Ultimate Escapes

Are you passionate about discovering the sights, sounds, scenes, images, hospitable, friendly and courteous people, and to peel the Pulse of amazing Ghana? Are you keen on developing transformational leadership, teamwork, diversity management, social, intercultural and interpersonal communications and relationships building skills through tourism, tours and travel ? Are you committed to helping promote, strengthen, support and sustain Ghana’s local and domestic tourism for a pro-Poor, needy, vulnerable, deprived, underprivileged, marginalized and minorities sustainable living, lifestyles, livelihoods and development? Then, Kra Travel’s Country SIDE (Social, Intercultural and Diversity Excursions) Ultimate Escapes, provides all of these unique opportunities, solutions and so much more!



Kra Travel

(Registered as Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd)

Social Enterprise (SE)

P O Box DK 465, Darkuman, Accra, Ghana

+233535179222 +233598962042 +12404599488


Socialize with Kra Travel on Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube and LinkedIn @kratravel