Strategic Corporate Management, Planning, Operations, Organizing and International Coordination, Research, Business, Products, Events, Projects and Programs Conceptualization, Development and Implementation Lead
KWAMENA KAKRABA ADUONIN is an extremely people-centered, passionate, self-motivated, confident, reliable, hardworking, proactive, team player and results-driven Tourism Professional, Public, Health and human Services Practitioner and Former Immigration Officer of the Ghana Immigration Service.
ADUONIN holds a Degree in Business (Innovation and Management in Tourism) from one of the prestigious Tourism educational and training institutions in Europe, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg, Austria. He is a Researcher and Writer, Human and Minority Rights, Social, Intercultural, Diversity Management, Humanitarian, Anti-Corruption, Human Trafficking and Migrants Smuggling Advocate. Further, he is a very passionate Environmental, Wildlife, Biodiversity, Ecological, Flora, Fauna, Nature, Natural Resources, Wildlife habitats, Marine and Ecosystems, Native and Indigenous Culture, History and Heritage Promotion, Preservation, Conservation, Protection and Restoration Campaigner.
He is the Founder and CEO of Kra Travel (Registered as Kra Integrated Solutions Ltd), an indigenous Ghanaian private sector Tourism, Travel, Recreation, Leisure, Events and Destinations Planning, Management, Organizing and Marketing Social Enterprise (SE). He currently serves as the organization's Strategic Corporate Management, Planning, Operations, Organizing and International Coordination, Research, Business, Products, Events, Projects and Programs Conceptualization, Development and Implementation Lead. A position he has held since the inception of the organization in 2015. He is also the Founder and CEO of Kra Global Footprints, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
Furthermore, as a permanent resident of the USA, he is currently a full-time employee of the Montgomery County Government as Silver Spring Urban District Public Service Aid. And part-time employee of Interfaith Works, a Non-Profits Organization as Program Support Staff (Montgomery County Government Health and Human Services Contractor).
Among other things, his primary functional responsibilities include and not limited to coordination of all functional strategic management, operational and administrative strategies, policies, regulations and guidelines formulation and implementation. Leading search and discussions for strategic collaborations, partnerships, networking and projects funding. Spearheading products, services, projects, events and programs research, conceptualization, development, writing introduction and implementation. Leveraging of innovative, high leverage and applicable vision, objectives, goals, leadership and development strategies.
It also includes liaising with civil, public and private sector institutions, policy, decisions makers and other stakeholders. Ensuring management and control of internal processes for efficiency and effectiveness. Overseeing key external relations with third party companies, businesses, service providers, institutions, organizations, ministries, departments and agencies. Supervising managers, team leaders and general team communication, activities and performance. Coordinates the formulation, implementation and ensures strict adherence to all quality control and value chain activities, processes and procedures.
ADUONIN is a fanatic advocate, activist and campaigner for culture, arts, history, marine/ecosystems, wildlife, nature, biodiversity, ecological, natural resources, environmental, tropical rain forests, wetlands, flora and fauna preservation, conservation, protection, restoration and responsibility. Human/minority rights, rule of law, accountability, transparency, democracy and good governance. Anti-human trafficking, migrants smuggling, corruption and fraud. Sportive, active, healthy, sustainable living, lifestyles, livelihoods and development. He passionately enjoys writing, reading, sports, travelling, adventure outdoor recreation, leisure, sightseeing, sportive, active, healthy living and lifestyle as hobbies.
He also have deep purpose driven intellectual, personal and career or professional characteristics, mindset and attitude. Passions, zeal, enthusiasm, commitments, interest and actively involved in a wide range of critical pervasive and emerging international and domestic issues or challenges confronting people, communities, society and humanity generally. These include and not limited to undocumented, irregular and forced migration (child/human trafficking and migrants smuggling). Strategic communications, relationships building and media. International development, affairs, relations, diplomacy and migration. Social, economic and humanitarian relief or emergency response actions. Crisis management or communications and philanthropy.
Others are sustainable development, public engagement, diversity management, leadership, social and intercultural relations/communications dynamics and competencies development. Inequality, stigmatization, prejudices, stereotypes, glass ceilings, tokenism and discrimination. Equitable distribution of resources, social, cultural, economic, political and democratic inclusion/protection. Business, entrepreneurial, vocational and technical skills development. Marketing, accounting, finance, ICT, online and digital literacy.
It also includes mobility, buildings, transportation, spaces, other facilities, amenities and infrastructure accessibility challenged, difficulties and barriers. Domestic, marital/relationships violence, abuse, sexual molestation, exploitation, rape and victims support or services. And especially those that confronts, affects and/or benefits the poor, needy, vulnerable, marginalized, underprivileged, deprived and minority groups particularly, persons with special needs/disabilities, reduced mobility or physically challenged, children, women, elderly and the youth.
ADUONIN is extremely people or human centric with absolute beliefs and convictions in a cherished typical age-old Ghanaian social, cultural, humanitarian and economic development goodwill, generosity and benevolence practices and ideals that amplifies community sharing and inter-dependency. And which serves as a formidable, valuable and reliable social, cultural, humanitarian and economic safety nets for the needy, poor, vulnerable, underprivileged, deprived and marginalized within communities and society especially, children.
He commenced his career or professional life as an Immigration Officer at the Ghana Immigration Service. And remained in active service for close to Ten (10) years and attained the rank of Assistant Inspector of Immigration. He worked at various entry and exit points within Ghana including the Kotoka International Airport, Namootanga and Aflao Border Posts. Working at the Ghana Immigration Service gave him the unique opportunity to meet, interact and deal extensively with all manner of people, from all over the world, with diverse backgrounds and at all levels of society.
Among such array of individuals and/or groups were government appointees and officials, civil, corporate, public and private sector leaders, policy, decision makers and employees, international diplomats, foreign service personnel, expatriates and public influencers. People who visited Ghana for business, tourism and other purposes. They also included some of the very poor, needy, marginalized, vulnerable and deprived populations such as victims of undocumented, irregular and forced migration (human trafficking and migrants smuggling victims). Refugees and displaced persons fleeing from conflicts within neighboring countries.
ADUONIN proved himself to be a highly proactive, confident, self-motivated, hardworking, team player, trustworthy, reliable and approachable Officer until he decided to leave to pursue higher academic laurels. That strategic decision he took, based on his passions and desire for higher academic laurels, personal and career/professional development, self-actualization and determination vision, goals, objectives and targets, necessitated traveling to Austria. Where he pursued and successfully completed his higher academic studies at one of the most prestigious Tourism educational institutions in Europe, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg, Austria.
He crowned the studies with a research into Rural Ecotourism Development focusing on the Western Region of Ghana (May, 2013) as part, and in fulfillment of his degree study program. He was award a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business (Innovation and Management in Tourism, 3rd July, 2013). Whilst studying and living in Austria, he worked at the Jufa Hotel and G4S Secure Solutions in the positions of Front Desk/Guest Service Agent and Security Officer respectively.
Upon returned home to Ghana after the successful completion of his degree studies in Austria, he solely funded and established this indigenous Ghanaian private sector Social Enterprise (SE) Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions). He personally researched, conceptualized, developed and wrote the strategic business concept note, all products and services, projects, programs and initiatives among others for the organization. The decision to establish this Social Enterprise (SE), Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions) was greatly influenced or motivated by his passions, zeal, enthusiasm and commitments to meaningfully and strategically explore, utilize, put to good and meaningful use, the newly acquired knowledge, competencies, experience and international exposure to benefit people, communities, society and humanity.
This decision was also motivated by his absolute beliefs and convictions in the cherished typical age-old Ghanaian social, cultural, humanitarian and economic development perspective, generosity, goodwill and benevolence practices and ideals that amplifies community sharing and inter-dependencies, which serves as a formidable, valuable and reliable social, cultural, humanitarian and economic safety nets for the needy, poor, vulnerable, underprivileged, deprived and marginalized within communities and society especially, children. It's also a practical demonstration of his strong beliefs that, the Social Entrepreneurship business model present tremendous potentials for young entrepreneurs.
To influence a radical and fundamental grassroots sustainable social, cultural, environmental, humanitarian and economic development paradigm shift. Towards businesses imbibing compassion for the needy, poor, underprivileged, deprived, marginalized and vulnerable persons in society, and as well as environmental, wildlife, biodiversity, ecological, marine and ecosystems, natural resources, flora and fauna protection, conservation, preservation, restoration, responsibility and sustainability at the core of their social, business and/or economic activities.
And furthermore, it is to practically demonstrate my passions and commitments to social entrepreneurship. Sustainable and equitable social, cultural, economic and humanitarian development. Environmental, wildlife, biodiversity, ecological, marine and eco systems, natural resources, flora and fauna protection, conservation, preservation, restoration, responsibility and sustainability. Believing that the company will provide the leverage, propelling him to become more impactful, useful and relevant to humanity and society.
In his position as a Social Enterprise (SE) and NGO leader, ADUONIN is actively engaged in advocacy, designing and implementing training, capacity-building, public education, information dissemination, awareness raising and sensitization programs that addresses diverse pervasive and emerging challenges. These include human/minority rights, local/good governance, transparency and accountability. Employable skills development. Wildlife, natural resources and environmental protection. Active, healthy and sustainable living and lifestyles.
Thematically focusing on areas including and not limited to social, cultural, economic, democratic and political inclusion and protection. Business, entrepreneurial, vocational and technical skills development. Sustainable development. Marketing, accounting, finance, ICT, online and digital literacy. Anti-corruption, human trafficking and migrants smuggling. Inequality, stigmatization, prejudices, stereotypes, glass ceilings, tokenism and discrimination.
Others are leadership, diversity management, social and intercultural relations/communication competencies development. Mobility, buildings, transportation, spaces, other facilities, amenities and infrastructure accessibility challenged, difficulties and barriers. Domestic, marital/relationships violence, abuse, sexual molestation, exploitation, rape and victims support or services. And especially those that confronts, affects and/or benefits the poor, needy, vulnerable, marginalized, underprivileged, deprived and minority groups particularly, persons with special needs/disabilities, reduced mobility or physically challenged, children, women, elderly and the youth.
Earlier, whilst working as an Immigration Officer, he severally participated in national programs, events and activities that required dealing extensively with diverse audiences. These included interviewing and profiling of people entering or exiting Ghana. Border and public security, safety, patrols and emergency response. Social, cultural, economic, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. Democratic, political, civil and public engagement and communication. Such as peace building, conflict prevention, crisis response and management. Voter registration and elections monitoring. Electoral violence prevention education. Refugees and displaced persons screening and registration.
As part of his career or professional and personal development goals, objectives and targets, and to achieve same, KAKRABA has attended and fully participated in key international conferences, training and capacity-building programs. These include the following highlights:
- Regional Conference on Enhancing Brand Africa: Fostering Tourism Development, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Accra, Ghana, 2015.
- Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA, “US Cultural Diplomacy: The Use of the Arts in Promoting Dialogue, Fostering Peace, and Initiating Mutual Understanding amongst World Cultures and Civilizations,” Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, New York/Washington DC, USA, 2013.
- Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, London, UK, 2012/2013.
- International Tourism Exchange (ITB), Messe Berlin GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 2012.
- Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Austrian Armed Forces International Peace Keeping Training Centre, Austria Ministry of Defence and Education, Vienna, Austria, 2010.
- International Crisis Management, Swedish National Defence College, Sweden Ministry of Defence, Stockholm, Sweden, 2009.
ADUONIN's purpose driven intellectual, personal and career/professional characteristics, attitude and mindset. Passions, zeal, enthusiasm, commitments, interest and involvement in diverse issues confronting people, communities, society and humanity in general, were developed and nurtured out of the real-life experiences he encountered whilst growing-up, living, studying and/or working in rural, poor, deprived, disadvantaged and marginalized communities within Ghana. They also contributed immensely, forming the basis and motivation for his strategic decision to establish Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions) with concretes foundations in the principles, philosophy and concepts of Social Entrepreneurship (SE).
The combination of all these work, studies, advocacy, activism, campaigns, travel, personal and career or professional development activities and engagements has provided the leverage, propelling him to develop extensive and excellent hands-on personal, professional or career competencies, experience, knowledge, exposure and capabilities including and not limited to management, planning and administration. Teamwork, multitasking and attention to details. Public or customer engagements, experience and relations. Interpersonal and persuasive communication. Immigration and travel services, processes and procedures. Security, law enforcement, safety and emergency response operations. Diversity management, social and intercultural communication/relations dynamics.
Others are excellent practical skills in team communication, coordination and management. Research, conceptualization, development and writing (projects, products, business and marketing concept notes). Social and humanitarian response actions. Personal and interpersonal effectiveness (communication, confidence, integrity, hard work, passion and teamwork). Computer literate, dedication and devotion to goals, targets, objectives and assigned roles, duties, tasks and responsibilities personified.
Naturally, ADUONIN has a passionate and never compromising attitude towards what he considers as the six (6) elements of personal and interpersonal efficiency, effectiveness and success (Communication, Confidence, Integrity, Hard work, Passion and Teamwork). Which he has developed, nurtured and constantly and consistently exhibited in all career, professional and academic studies environments. He strongly believes these are very useful, relevant and complimentary attributes for becoming highly impactful, effective and efficient in any leadership, managerial and/or employment positions. And also, for becoming formidable team member within any organization.
As the Strategic Corporate Management, Planning, Operations, Organization and International Coordination, Research, Business, Products, Events, Projects and Programs Conceptualization and Development Lead of this indigenous Ghanaian private sector Social Enterprise (SE), Kra Travel (Kra Integrated Solutions), he comes on board with tremendous competences, knowledge, experience and international exposure.
Some of which have been enumerated earlier that are very useful, relevant, complimentary and beneficial to the organization's efficient, effective and strategic leadership, management, operations, administration, development and sustainability. Environmental, social, cultural, humanitarian and economic contract with both external and internal stakeholders including and not limited to customers, host communities, partners, donors, other target audience and publics.
Personal Mantra, Motto, Claim and/or Philosophy
"The future belongs solely, and rightly so, to those who have the capabilities, naturalistic instincts and intuition to see or recognize opportunities, and have adequately prepared themselves tactically and strategically to be able to fully take advantage and/or utilize such opportunities before they become obvious."